V2.15, defect - DTS2014091709267 (default value in the description is updated).
2014-06-30 00:00
1. Modify the value range of the node hwSSHServerTimeOut, hwSSHServerPort,hwSftpMaxUserNum,
2. Modify the description of the node hwSSHServerTimeOut,hwSSHServerPort,hwSftpMaxUserNum,hwSSHUserName,
3. Add the following enums of the hwSSHUserAuthType:authDSA(6),authDSAandPASSWORD(7),authAny(8),authECC(9),
4. Add the following enums of the hwSSHUserServiceType:servicetypeSNetConf(5),servicetypeSftpSNetConf(6),
5. Add the following enums of the hwSSHSessionConnectType:none(0),vty15(16),vty16(17),vty17(18),vty18(19),
6. modified 'MAX-ACCESS read-only' to 'MAX-ACCESS read-write' of hwSftpMaxUserNum.
7. Add hwSSHUserAssignKeyType in hwSSHUserTable.
8. Add hwSSHSessionKeyType, hwSSHSessionConnectionIndex, hwSSHSessionCtosCompress, hwSSHSessionStocCompress
in hwSSHServerSessionTable.
9. Add hwSNetConfMaxUserNum, hwSNetConfServerEnable, hwSSHKeepAliveEnable, hwSCPServerEnable, hwSCPMaxUserNum
in hwSSHServer.
10. Add hwSSHServerAssignDSAKey and hwSSHServerAssignECCKey in hwSSHServerInfoTable.
11. Add hwSSHKeepAliveInterval and hwSSHKeepAliveMaxCount in hwSSHClient.
2014-05-06 00:00
1. Add hwRSAPublicKeyFingerprint in hwRSAPublicKeyTable.
2. Add hwRSALocalKeyTable.
2010-11-09 00:00
V1.07, The description of this MIB is modified according to the tool.
2010-08-25 00:00
V1.06, modified the contact-info and the revision history. Modified the description of leaves.
2010-06-17 00:00
V1.05, the description of hwSSHServerTimeOut, hwSSHServerPort, hwSSHServerKeyTimeOut, hwSSHUserTable,
hwSSHUserEntry, hwSSHUserAuthType and hwSSHUserServiceType were modified and supplemented.
2010-04-18 00:00
V1.04, DT requirements were implemented and the syntax and semantics of SIMPLETEST were changed.
2010-03-03 00:00
V1.03, DT requirements were implemented and the syntax and semantics of SIMPLETEST were changed.