Huawei common OID MIB definition.

MIB content (1763 objects)


Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Contact info
Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:


2019-01-16 00:00
V5.43, The object identifier of s2720S-12TP-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-12TP-PWR-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-52TP-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-52TP-PWR-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-28TP-PWR-EI-L-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-28TP-PWR-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s2720S-28TP-EI-AC is added The object identifier of s12700E-4lsw is added The object identifier of s12700E-8lsw is added The object identifier of s12700E-12lsw is added The object identifier of s5720-28X-PWR-LI-ACF for V2R13C00 is modified to s5720-28X-PWR-LI-ACF-740
2019-01-10 00:00
V5.42, The object identifier of ce6875-48S4CQ-HI is deteled
2019-01-07 00:00
V5.41, The object identifier of ce8861-4C-EI is added The object identifier of ce6875-48S4CQ-HI is added The object identifier of ce8868-4C-EI is added The object identifier of ce5880-48T6Q-EI is added The object identifier of cx930-100G is added The object identifier of cx930-BASE is added The object identifier of ce6857-48S6CQ-EI is added
2018-12-17 00:00
V5.40, The object identifier of s5720-28X-PWR-LI-ACF is added
2018-11-13 00:00
V5.39, The object ne40E-M2K-C is modified to ne40E-M2K-B The object cX600-M2K-C is modified to cX600-M2K-B The object ptn6900-M2K-C is modified to ptn6900-M2K-B The object cx6602-C is modified to cx6602-B The object ETN500-D is modified to ETN500-F
2018-11-12 10:00
V5.38, The object identifier of NCX6604 is added The object identifier of NCX6608 is added The object identifier of ne40E-X2-M14B is added The object identifier of cX600-X2-M14B is added The object identifier of cX600-M14B is added The object identifier of ptn6900-2-M14B is added
2018-11-12 00:00
V5.37, The object identifier of s1820EC-8G is added The object identifier of s1820EC-24G is added The object identifier of s5820EC-10P is added The object identifier of s5820EC-10P-PWR is added The object identifier of s5820EC-28P is added The object identifier of s5820EC-28P-PWR is added The object identifier of s1720-10GF-2P is added The object identifier of s1720-10GF-PWR-2P is added The object identifier of s1720-28GFR-4P is added The object identifier of s1720-28GFR-PWR-4P is added The object identifier of s1720-52GFR-4P is added The object identifier of s1720-52GFR-PWR-4P is added The object identifier of s5720SV2-28P-LI-AC is added The object identifier of s5720SV2-52P-LI-AC is added The object identifier of s6730-54L-HI-48S is added The object identifier of s6330-54L-HI-48S is added The object identifier of s6730-30L-HI-24S is added The object identifier of s6330-30L-HI-24S is added
2018-10-27 00:00
V5.36, The object identifier of nip6550ed-ac is added The object identifier of nip6620e-dc is added USG Firewall hardware sysoid (1.3.6.. modified to 1.3.6..,but not include 1.3.6..
2018-10-13 00:00
V5.35, The object identifier of atn910C-E(atn 63) is added. The object identifier of atn910C-E-IOT(atn 64) is added. The object identifier of atn980C(atn 65) is added. The object identifier of atn980C-IOT(atn 66) is added. The object identifier of ptn980(atn 37) is added. The object identifier of ptn990e(atn 38) is added.
2018-09-17 00:00
V3.34, The object identifier of MA5833(hwProducts 356) is added.
2018-08-23 00:00
V5.32, The object identifier of ne40E-F1A-8H20Q is added The object identifier of cX600-F1A-8H20Q is added The object identifier of ptn6900-F1A-8H20Q is added The object identifier of cx6601-8H20Q is added The object identifier of ne40e-X8A-ADMIN is added The object identifier of ne40e-X8A-LS is added The object identifier of ne40e-X16A-ADMIN is added The object identifier of ne40e-X16A-LS is added The object ne40E-M2K-B is modified to ne40E-M2K-C The object cX600-M2K-B is modified to cX600-M2K-C The object ptn6900-M2K-B is modified to ptn6900-M2K-C The object cx6602-B is modified to cx6602-C The object ne40E-M1A is modified to ne40E-F1A-14H24Q The object cX600-M1A is modified to cX600-F1A-14H24Q The object ptn6900-M1A is modified to ptn6900-F1A-14H24Q The object cx6601 is modified to cx6601-14H24Q
2018-08-23 00:00
V5.32, The object identifier of AC6508 is added The object identifier of AC6805 is added The object identifier of AC6507S is added The object identifier of AP4050DE-M is added The object identifier of AP4050DE-M-S is added
2018-08-14 00:00
V5.31, The object identifier of S5720I-10X-PWH-SI-AC oversea is added The object identifier of S5720I-6X-PWH-SI-AC is added
2018-07-26 00:00
V5.30, The object identifier of atn910C-F(atn 61) is added The object identifier of atn910C-F-IOT(atn 62) is added
2018-07-17 00:00
V5.29, The object identifier of ce6865-48S8CQ-EI is added The object identifier of ce8850-64CQ-EI is added
2018-07-13 00:00
V5.27, The object identifier of usg6630e-ac is added The object identifier of usg6630e-dc is added added product node and subnode:fw
2018-07-13 00:00
V5.28, cx6601 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cx6600SysOid 5 } is modified
2018-06-30 00:00
V5.26, added product node and subnode:NE40EX16B
2018-06-28 00:00
V5.25, added product node and subnode:usg,Fw,vFw,bigData
2018-06-09 00:00
V5.23, The object CX6602-A is modified to CX6602
2018-05-21 00:00
V5.22, The object identifier of s1600-8 is added The object identifier of s1600-16 is added The object identifier of s1600-24 is added The object identifier of s2600-10P is added The object identifier of s2600-10P-PWR is added The object identifier of s2600-28P is added The object identifier of s2600-28P-PWR is added The object identifier of s3600-28P is added The object identifier of s3600-52P is added The object identifier of s3600-52P-PWR is added The object identifier of s1700-16-AC is added The object identifier of s1700-24R is added The object identifier of s5330-60C-HI-48S is added The object identifier of s5330-36C-HI-24S is added The object identifier of s5720-52X-LI-48S-AC is added The object identifier of s5320-52X-LI-48S-AC is added The object identifier of s5320-52X-LI-48S-DC is added The object identifier of s5320-52X-SI-48S is added The object identifier of s5720-52X-SI-48S is added The object identifier of s6320-26Q-LI-24S is added
2018-05-02 00:00
V5.21, The object identifier of AC600EC-24 AP100EC AP200EC AP300EC is added
2018-04-19 00:00
V5.20, The object identifier of S5730-44C-HI-24S is added The object identifier of S5730-60C-HI-48S is added The object identifier of S5730-68C-HI-48S is added The object identifier of S5730-36C-HI-24S is added The object identifier of S5720I-12X-PWH-SI-AC is added The object identifier of S5720I-10X-PWH-SI-AC is added The object identifier of s12703lsw is added
2018-04-09 00:00
V5.19, The object identifier of atn950BEX(atn 59) is added The object identifier of atn950BEX-IOT(ptn 60) is added The object name of etn550-D(etn 8) is modified to etn500-D(etn 8)
2018-03-14 00:00
V5.18, The object identifier of ptn6900-M2K is added The object identifier of ne40E-M8A is added The object identifier of ne40E-M16A is added The object identifier of ne40E-M2K-B is added The object identifier of cX600-M2K-B is added The object identifier of ptn6900-M2K-B is added The object identifier of cx6602-B is added The object identifier of ne40E-M1A is added The object identifier of cX600-M1A is added The object identifier of ptn6900-M1A is added The object identifier of cx6601 is added The object identifier of ne40E-X2-M16B is added The object identifier of cX600-X2-M16B is added The object identifier of ptn6900-2-M16B is added The object identifier of ne20E-S16B is added
2018-03-06 00:00
V5.17, The object identifier of AC6800V is added
2018-02-28 00:00
V5.16, The object identifier of atn905-F-DC-IOT(atn 57) is added The object identifier of atn905-F-AC-IOT(atn 58) is added The object identifier of ptn960E(ptn 31) is added
2018-02-23 00:00
V5.15, The object identifier of ma5801-gp08(hwProducts 337) is added, The object identifier of ea5801-gp08(hwProducts 338) is added, The object identifier of ma5801-cg04(hwProducts 339) is added, The object identifier of ea5801-cg04(hwProducts 340) is added.
2018-01-30 00:00
V5.14, The object identifier of AP5050DN-S is added The object identifier of AP2030DN-S is added The object identifier of AP2051DN-E is added The object identifier of AP2051DN is added The object identifier of AP2051DN-S is added The object identifier of AP7060DN is added
2017-12-26 00:00
V5.12, The object identifier of MA5811S-DE16(hwProducts 342) is added The object identifier of MA5811S-AE48(hwProducts 343) is added The object identifier of MA5811S-AE08(hwProducts 344) is added The object identifier of MA5811S-AE16(hwProducts 345) is added The object identifier of MA5811S-DE48(hwProducts 346) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-AE08(hwProducts 347) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-AE16(hwProducts 348) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-DE16(hwProducts 349) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-AE48(hwProducts 350) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-DE48(hwProducts 351) is added The object identifier of MA5611S-DE48-A(hwProducts 352) is added
2017-12-22 00:00
V5.12, The object identifier of cloudedge(hwProducts 325) is added,
2017-12-05 00:00
V5.11, The object identifier of atn905-F-DC(atn 55) is added The object identifier of atn905-F-AC(atn 56) is added The object identifier of ne08E-S9(ne0508e 17) is added The object identifier of etn550-D(etn 8) is added
2017-11-23 00:00
V5.10, The object identifier of ma5801-GP08(hwProducts 337) is added, The object identifier of ea5801-GP08(hwProducts 338) is added.
2017-11-09 00:00
V5.09, The object identifier of ce6875-48S4CQ-EI is added
2017-10-24 00:00
V5.08, The object identifier of s5320-52X-SI-AC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5320-52X-SI-DC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5320-52P-SI-AC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5320-52P-SI-DC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5300-52P-LI-DC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5320-36C-EI-28S-AC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5320-36C-EI-28S-DC-V1 is added for v2r11c10 The object identifier of s5720I-12X-SI-AC is added for v2r12c00 The object identifier of s5720I-12X-PWH-SI-DC is added for v2r12c00 The object identifier of s5720I-28X-SI-AC is added for v2r12c00 The object identifier of s5720I-28X-PWH-SI-AC is added for v2r12c00 The object identifier of s9316 serial is added for v2r12c00
2017-10-12 00:00
V5.07, The object identifier of cX600-M2K is added The object identifier of ne40E-M2K is added The object identifier of cx6602-A is added
2017-09-29 00:00
V5.06, The object identifier of virtual-cluster-chassis is added
2017-09-04 00:00
V5.05, The object identifier of ce6856-48S6Q-HI is added The object identifier of ce6856-48T6Q-HI is added
2017-08-29 00:00
V5.04, The object identifier of AD9431DN-24X is added The object identifier of AP7152DN is added The object identifier of AP6052DN is added The object identifier of AP8082DN is added The object identifier of AP8182DN is added The object identifier of AP7052DE is added The object identifier of AP7052TN-WI is added The object identifier of AP8050TN-HD is added The object identifier of AP4051TN is added The object identifier of AP7052DN is added
2017-08-16 00:00
V5.03, The object identifier of cx6600(hwProducts 336) is added The object identifier of cx6620 is added The object identifier of cx6608 is added
2017-08-10 00:00
V5.02, The object identifier of atn950B-V8(atn 36) is added The object identifier of atn910B-V8(atn 37) is added The object identifier of atn910B-E-AC-V8(atn 38) is added The object identifier of atn910B-D-DC-V8(atn 39) is added The object identifier of atn910B-D-AC-V8(atn 40) is added The object identifier of atn910B-F-DC-V8(atn 41) is added The object identifier of atn910B-F-AC-V8(atn 42) is added The object identifier of atn980B-IOT(atn 43) is added The object identifier of atn950C-IOT(atn 44) is added The object identifier of atn910C-A-IOT(atn 45) is added The object identifier of atn910C-B-IOT(atn 46) is added The object identifier of atn910C-D-IOT(atn 47) is added The object identifier of atn950B-IOT(atn 48) is added The object identifier of atn910B-IOT(atn 49) is added The object identifier of atn910B-E-AC-IOT (atn 50) is added The object identifier of atn910B-D-DC-IOT (atn 51) is added The object identifier of atn910B-D-AC-IOT (atn 52) is added The object identifier of atn910B-F-DC-IOT (atn 53) is added The object identifier of atn910B-F-AC-IOT (atn 54) is added
2017-07-12 00:00
V5.01, The name of lanSw 519 522 524 526 528 529 532 are modify for CR Change
2017-07-03 00:00
V5.00, The object identifier of vne(hwProducts 314) is added The object identifier of vne9000 is added The object identifier of vsig9800 is added The object identifier of vne9000-CP is added
2017-06-29 00:00
V4.99, The object identifier of s7900 serial are added, The object identifier of s7905 is added, The object identifier of s7908 is added,
2017-06-14 00:00
V4.98, The object identifier of ptn7900E-32(ptn 30) is added,
2017-06-09 00:00
V4.96, The object identifier of S2320-52TP-EI-DC is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5330-68C-SI-DC is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5730S-48C-EI-AC is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5730S-48C-PWR-EI is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5730S-68C-EI-AC is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5730S-68C-PWR-EI is added for lsw v2r11c10, The object identifier of S5330-36C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-36C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-44C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5330-36C-PWH-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-36C-PWH-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-44C-PWH-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5330-60C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-60C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-68C-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-60C-PWH-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S5730-68C-PWH-HI is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S6720-50L-HI-48S is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S6320-50L-HI-48S is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S6720-30L-HI-24S is added for lsw v2r11C50, The object identifier of S6320-30L-HI-24S is added for lsw v2r11C50,
2017-06-02 00:00
V4.96, The object identifier of AP1050DN-S is added,
2017-05-19 00:00
V4.96, The object identifier of AP1050DN-S is added,
2017-05-09 00:00
V4.95, The object identifier of S5730-52X-PWH-SI-ACF is added, The object identifier of S5730-56C-PWH-SI-AC is added, The object identifier of S5730-32C-PWH-SI-AC is added,
2017-05-02 00:00
V4.94, The object identifier of ce6880-48S4Q2CQ-EI is added, The object identifier of ce6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI is added, The object identifier of ce6880-48T4Q2CQ-EI is added, The object identifier of ce12804E is added, The object identifier of ce12808E is added, The object identifier of ce12812E is added, The object identifier of ce12816E is added, The object identifier of ce8850-32CQ-EI is added, The object identifier of ce12816M is added, The object identifier of ce6870-48T6CQ-EI is added, The object identifier of cx916 is added.
2017-04-26 00:00
V4.93, The object identifier of ea5821(hwProducts 314) change to ea5821(hwProducts 332) is modified.
2017-04-25 00:00
V4.92, The object identifier of ea5821(hwProducts 312) change to ea5821(hwProducts 314) is modified.
2017-04-11 00:00
V4.91, The object identifier of BGW is added
2017-04-08 00:00
V4.90, The object identifier of atn910C-D(atn 35) is added
2017-04-06 00:00
V4.89, The object identifier of ea5821 is added
2017-03-27 00:00
V4.88, The object identifier of ea5800-x17 is added, The object identifier of ea5800-x15 is added, The object identifier of ea5800-x7 is added The object identifier of ea5800-x2 is added
2017-03-14 00:00
V4.87, The object identifier of AP8050DN is added, The object identifier of AP8050DN-S is added, The object identifier of AP8150DN is added
2017-03-13 00:00
V4.86, The object identifier of ne9000-8 is added
2017-02-10 00:00
V4.85, The object identifier of ar505ke-l, ar2504-d-h, ar502egrb-l, ar169cvw-4b4s, ar169cvw, ar169egw-l, ar169ew, ar161ew, ar161ew-m1, ar509cgw-l, ar509cg-lt-7, ar-sc-lc, ar-sc-le, ar-sc-la, ar502er, ar169fgvw-l-8s, ar502erb, ar502egrc-lc is added
2017-01-26 00:00
V4.84, The object identifier of S5720-28P-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5720-28P-PWR-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5320-28P-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5320-28P-PWR-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5720-52P-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5320-52P-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5720-52P-PWR-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of S5320-52P-PWR-LI-AC is added for LSW V2R10C00 support license for oversea, The object identifier of s5320-12P-LI-BAT is added for LSW V2R11C10, The object identifier of s5330-68C-SI is added for LSW V2R11C10, The object identifier of s5730-68C-PWR-SI is added for LSW V2R11C10,
2017-01-16 00:00
V4.83, The object identifier of AP4050DN-S is added, The object identifier of AP4050DN is added, The object identifier of AP4051DN-S is added, The object identifier of AP4051DN is added, The object identifier of AP4151DN is added
2017-01-04 00:00
V4.82, The object identifier of acCampus is added,
2016-12-15 00:00
V4.81, for lsw v2r11c00 The object of s6720-48Q-SI-48S-AC is add, The object of s6720S-48Q-SI-48S-AC is add, The object of s6320-48Q-SI-48S-AC is add, The object of s5730-48C-SI-AC is add, The object of s5330-48C-SI-AC is add, The object of s5730-48C-PWR-SI-AC is add, The object of s5730-68C-SI-AC is add, The object of s5330-68C-SI-AC is add, The object of s5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC is add, The object of s6720-52X-PWH-SI-ACF is add, The object of s6720-52X-PWH-SI is add, The object of s6320-52X-PWH-SI-ACF is add, The object of s6320-52X-PWH-SI is add, modify from s5730-56C-PWH-SI-AC(lanSw 559) to s6720-56C-PWH-SI-AC modify from s5730-56C-PWH-SI(lanSw 560) to s6720-56C-PWH-SI modify from s5330-56C-PWH-SI-AC(lanSw 561) to s6320-56C-PWH-SI-AC modify from s5330-56C-PWH-SI(lanSw 562) to s6320-56C-PWH-SI
2016-12-01 00:00
V4.80, The object of s1720-28GWR-PWR-4TP-E(lanSw 508)'s name changed from s1720-28GWR-PWL-4TP-E to s1720-28GWR-PWR-4TP-E, The object of lanSw 511 to 562 are added for lsw v2r11c10,
2016-11-28 00:00
V4.79, The object identifier of ptn930(ptn 25) is added, The object identifier of ptn905G(ptn 26) is added, The object identifier of ptn905E(ptn 27) is added, The object identifier of ptn905D(ptn 28) is added, The object identifier of ptn905F(ptn 29) is added,
2016-11-24 00:00
V4.78, The object identifier of s1720-28GWR-4P-E,s1720-28GWR-4X-E,s1720-28GWR-PWR-4P-E,s1720-28GWR-PWR-4X-E, s1720-52GWR-4P-E,s1720-52GWR-4X-E,s1720-52GWR-PWR-4P-E,s1720-52GWR-PWR-4X-E,s1720-28GWR-PWL-4TP-E, s1720-10GW-2P-E,s1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E is added,
2016-11-10 00:00
V4.77, The object identifier of MA5626B(hwProducts 311) is added,
2016-10-25 00:00
V4.76, The object identifier of ar129cvw, ar1220-8ge, ar2204-24ge, ar2204-48ge-p, ar505kc-l-rm is added
2016-10-10 00:00
V4.75, add: ne40E-X16B OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ne5000SysOid 27 }
2016-09-29 00:00
V4.74, Corrections to s5x00-L3-COMM ,s9300-NEW-COMM
2016-09-27 00:00
V4.73, The object identifier of AP5030DN-C is added
2016-09-26 00:00
V4.72, The object identifier of ar509eg-u-a, ar169g-lo, ar161fg-lc, ar161fgw-lc, ar161g-lc, ar101gw-lc-s, ar201v, ar503edgw-lc3, ar109, ar109w, ar109gw-l, ar502cg-l, ar2220e-s, ar2240c-s, ar3260e-s is added
2016-09-18 00:00
V4.71, The object identifier of switch V2R10 is added, Reserved two sysoid for u2000,s5x00-L3-COMM,s9300-NEW-COMM The object identifier of s5720-28X-PWH-LI-AC,s5320-28X-PWH-LI-AC are added for v2r11c00 pi 1 REVISION 2016050100000Z corrected as REVISION 201605010000Z
2016-09-07 00:00
V4.70, The object identifier of switch V2R10 is added, Reserved two sysoid for u2000
2016-08-13 00:00
V4.69, The object identifier of s5720-16X-PWH-LI-AC is added
2016-07-27 00:00
V4.68, The object identifier of ce6860-48S18CQ-EI, ce6860-48S8CQ-EI, ce6870-48S6CQ-EI, ce6870-24S6CQ-EI, ce7855-32Q-EI is added
2016-07-12 00:00
V4.67, The object identifier of ma5800-x2(hwProducts 317) is added
2016-07-04 00:00
V4.66, The object identifier of S5320-28X-PWR-SI, S5320-52X-PWR-SI, S5320-28P-SI, S5322-52X-LI-AC, S6320-54C-EI-48S is added
2016-06-07 00:00
V4.65, The object identifier of S5320-12TP-LI-DC,S5321-52X-LI-AC is added
2016-05-27 00:00
V4.64, The object identifier of ap6150dn,ap6050dn,ap4030tn,ap1010sn,ap2050dn,ap2050dn-s,ap2050dn-e,ap4050dn-e, ap4050dn-hd,ap4050de,ap7050de is added
2016-05-13 00:00
V4.63, The object identifier of ar161-s, ar161w-s, ar161gw-lc-s, ar509gw-l-d-h, srg2340e, srg2320ei, srg1320e, ar1200ew-t1 is added
2016-05-11 00:00
V4.61, The object identifier of acWan, acDcn is added.
2016-05-10 00:00
V4.61, The object name of ptn970 is added
2016-05-09 00:00
V4.60, The object name of hwSdn is added
2016-05-04 00:00
V4.59, The object name of switch e628-V2 and e628-PER-V2 is modified
2016-04-15 00:00
V4.58, The object identifier of switch V2R10 is added
2016-04-13 00:00
V4.57, The object identifier of ne40E-M2H(ne5000 26) is added The object identifier of cX600-M2H(msp 45) is added.
2016-03-26 00:00
V4.56, The object identifier of switch V2R10 is added
2016-03-14 00:00
V4.55, The object identifier of ce6855-48T6Q-HI, ce6855-48S6Q-HI is added
2016-02-22 00:00
V4.54, The object identifier of ar129cgvw-l, ar101-s, ar101w-s, ar550c-4ge, ar550c-2c6ge, ar509cg-lt is added The object identifier ofar509cg-lt-n, ar503eqgw-l, ar503ew, ar503edgw-lc, ar509cg-l, ar168fvw, ar532, ar502erc, ar502egr-l is added The object identifier ofar502eg-l, ar502egw-l, ar550e, ar509cg-lc, ar2204-51ge-r is added
2016-02-03 00:00
V4.53, The object identifier of ATN950C(atn 31) is added The object identifier of ATN910C-A(atn 32) is added The object identifier of ATN910C-B(atn 33) is added The object identifier of ATN905-BM(atn 34) is added The object identifier of NE05E-SP(ne0508e 13) is added The object identifier of NE05E-SQ(ne0508e 14) is added The object identifier of NE08E-S6E(ne0508e 15) is added The object identifier of NE05E-SR(ne0508e 16) is added The object identifier of ETN520-B(etn 5) is added The object identifier of ETN520-C(etn 6) is added The object identifier of ETN550-B(etn 7) is added.
2016-01-30 00:00
V4.52, The object identifier of me60-S4(me60 10) is added The object identifier of me60-S8(me60 11) is added The object identifier of me60-S16(me60 12) is added The object identifier of me60-X1-M4(me60 13) is added The object identifier of me60-X2-M8(me60 14) is added The object identifier of me60-X2-M16(me60 15) is added The object identifier of me60-X2-M8A(me60 16) is added The object identifier of me60-X2-M16A(me60 17) is added.
2016-01-29 00:00
V4.51, The object identifier of ma5800-x15(hwProducts 316) is added
2016-01-20 00:00
V4.50, The object identifier of ar2204e-d, ar2504e-h, ar509g-lc is added
2016-01-14 00:00
V4.49, The object identifier of S57, S67 is added
2015-12-22 00:00
V4.48, The object identifier of ce8860-4C-EI, ce1800V is added
2015-12-17 00:00
V4.47, The object identifier of NE9000 is added
2015-12-15 00:00
V4.46, The object identifier of S9303X, S9306X, S9312X is added
2015-12-03 00:00
V4.45, The object identifier of AP4030DN-E, AP7050DN-E, AD9430DN-24, AD9430DN-12 is added
2015-11-06 00:00
V4.44, The object identifier of etn { hwProducts 298} The object identifier of etn550-A { etn 4 }
2015-11-05 00:00
V4.43, The object identifier of ar111-s, ar503gw-lcm7, ar511gw-lcav2m3, ar1000v, ar511dcgw-lcav2, ar2204-51ge is added
2015-09-21 00:00
V4.41, The object identifier of S57, S67 is added
2015-09-19 00:00
V4.40, The object identifier of sdnController, snc is added
2015-09-08 19:00
V4.39, The object identifier of atn980B(atn 28) is added The object identifier of ne05E-SN(ne0508e 12) is added
2015-08-13 00:00
V4.38, The object identifier of ar531gz-u-d, ar161fgw-la, ar515gw-lm9-d, ar161g-u, ar121gw-l, ar129gw-l, ar502g-l-d-h, ar502gr-l-d-h, ar531g-f, ar511cgw-lav2m3 is added
2015-06-17 00:00
V4.37, The object identifier of AP5030DN-S, AP9132DN, AP3010DN-V2, ac6005-ru, ac6005-pwr-ru, ac6605-ru,acu2-ru, ac6003,ac6003-pwr is added
2015-05-27 00:00
V4.36, The object identifier of ar2204-27ge, ar2204-27ge-p, ar2204-51ge-p, ar1220c, ar1220-s2, ar2240c, ar2504-h, ar161fv-1p, ar169w-p-m9, ar169rw-p-m9 is added
2015-05-21 00:00
V4.35, The object identifier of ce6850U-48S6Q-HI, ce6850-48T6Q-HI, ce6810-32T16S4Q-LI, ce5855-48T4S2Q-EI, ce5855-24T4S2Q-EI, ce6850U-24S2Q-HI, ce6810-24S2Q-LI, ce6851-48S6Q-HI is added
2015-05-12 00:00
V4.34, The object identifier of e628, e628-x, e652,e652-x is added
2015-04-21 00:00
V4.33, The object identifier of ptn990 is added
2015-04-01 00:00
V4.32, The object identifier of ar121w, ar121w-s, ar161w and ar129w is added
2015-03-27 00:00
V4.31, The object identifier of VNE1000 is added
2015-03-23 00:00
V4.30, The object identifier of S5700S-28X-LI-AC, S5700S-52X-LI-AC and S5700S-28P-PWR-LI-AC is added
2015-03-06 00:00
V4.29, The object identifier of S12704, S5720SI, S5710XLI and S6720EI is added
2015-02-28 00:00
V4.28, The object identifier of ap9131dn is added The object identifier of ap7110sn is deleted
2015-02-04 00:00
V4.27, The object identifier of ar531-gb-h, ar169fv-8s and ar169fvw-8s is added
2015-01-16 00:00
V4.26, The object identifier of ne40E-X3A is changed from to
2014-12-22 00:00
V4.25, The object identifier of ma5800-x7(hwProducts 300) is added. Modified the object identifier of ma5800(hwProducts 294) to ma5800-x17(hwProducts 294).
2014-12-19 00:00
V4.24, The object identifier of ptn7900-12(ptn 20) is added
2014-12-05 00:00
V4.23, The object identifier of ne40E-X3AB(ne5000 23) is added
2014-12-04 00:00
V4.22, The object identifier of ne40E-X3A(ne5000 22) is added, The object identifier of cX600-X3A(msp 37) is added, The object identifier of me60-X3A(me60 9) is added, The object identifier of ptn6900-3A(ptn 19) is added
2014-11-21 00:00
V4.21, The object identifier of ne0508e { hwProducts 297} The object identifier of ne08E-S6 { ne0508e 1 } The object identifier of ne05E-S2 { ne0508e 2 } The object identifier of ne05E-SE { ne0508e 3 } The object identifier of ne05E-SF { ne0508e 4 } The object identifier of ne05E-SG { ne0508e 5 } The object identifier of ne05E-SH { ne0508e 6 } The object identifier of ne05E-SI { ne0508e 7 } The object identifier of ne05E-SJ { ne0508e 8 } The object identifier of ne05E-SK { ne0508e 9 } The object identifier of ne05E-SL { ne0508e 10 } The object identifier of ne05E-SM { ne0508e 11 } The object identifier of etn { hwProducts 298} The object identifier of etn500-A { etn 1 } The object identifier of etn500-B { etn 2 } The object identifier of etn500-C { etn 3 } The object identifier of atn910B-D-DC { atn 22 } The object identifier of atn910B-D-AC { atn 23 } The object identifier of atn910B-E-AC { atn 24 } The object identifier of atn905-E-AC { atn 25 } The object identifier of atn905A-C-DC { atn 26 } The object identifier of atn905A-D-DC { atn 27 }
2014-10-22 00:00
V4.19, The object identifier of MA5811S(hwProducts 296) is added.
2014-10-16 00:00
V4.18, merge the DC's nodes.
2014-09-03 00:00
V4.00, merge the vrp and access network's nodes together.
2014-06-04 00:00
V3.43, The object identifier of ma5800(hwProducts 294) is added.
2014-01-21 00:00
V3.42, The object identifier of hwRPS(hwProducts 287) is added.
2013-12-30 00:00
V3.41, Modify the comma from chinese mode to English mode.
2013-09-03 00:00
V3.40, The object identifier of MA5675M(hwProducts 285) is added, The object identifier of MA5675(hwProducts 286) is added, The object identifier of hwFTTODeviceMIB(huaweiUtility 186) is added
2013-04-18 00:00
V3.39, The object identifier of MA5898(hwProducts 260) is added, The object identifier of MA5821(hwProducts 262) is added, The object identifier of MA5822(hwProducts 263) is added, The object identifier of MA5818(hwProducts 266) is added, The object identifier of MA5698(hwProducts 267) is added, The object identifier of MA5694(hwProducts 268) is added, The object identifier of MA5611S(hwProducts 273) is added, The object identifier of MA5622A-8(hwProducts 274) is added, The object identifier of MA5622A-16(hwProducts 275) is added,
2012-11-05 00:00
V3.38, The object identifier of hwSyslog(huaweiUtility 35) is deleted.
2012-06-21 00:00
V3.37, The object identifier of MA5608T(hwProducts 248) is added.
2012-05-08 00:00
V3.36, The object identifier of MA5633(hwProducts 249) is added.
2012-04-22 00:00
V3.35, The object identifier of MA5623A(hwProducts 246) is added.
2011-11-05 00:00
V3.34, The object identifier of MA5669(hwProducts 232) is added, The object identifier of MA5661(hwProducts 229) is added, The object identifier of MA5621(hwProducts 225) is added, The object identifier of MA5621a(hwProducts 233) is added, The object identifier of MA5623(hwProducts 234) is added, Modified the object identifier of MA5632(hwProducts 188) to MA5632(hwProducts 228), Modified the object identifier of ma5620P to ma5620, Modified the object identifier of ma5626p to ma5626.
2011-06-10 00:00
V3.33, The object identifier of hwIODN(huaweiUtility 226) is added.
2010-10-13 00:00
V3.32, The object identifier of MA5662(hwProducts 195) is added, The object identifier of MA5628(hwProducts 213) is added, The object identifier of MA5652(hwProducts 221) is added, The object identifier of MA5622(hwProducts 222) is added.
2010-08-27 00:00
V3.31, added the hwEntityVendorType node for the feature of ENTITY-MIB.
2010-08-12 00:00
V3.30, The object identifier of MA5631(hwProducts 219) is added.
2010-07-19 00:00
V3.29, added the description of the MIB header file and the revision history.
2006-01-30 00:00
V1.00, completed the first draft.