This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP MIB under the Enterasys Networks enterprise OID pertaining to the Tracked Objects functionality. This MIB was designed to be used for configuring probes and tracked objects. Each probe and tracked object has configuration parameters that may also be controlled via this MIB.
Added the etsysTrackedObjectsProbeTsTable. This table
supports the ICMP timestamp probes. These probes
collect timestamp data for the client applications.
Additional changes include a new type 'icmpTs' for
etsysTrackedObjectsProbeType, and a new state 'collect'
for etsysTrackedObjectsSessionState.
Added the etsysTrackedObjectsPortIfSpeedTable. This
tables supports 'portIfSpeed' tracked objects. The
'portIfSpeed' tracked object determines the highest and
lowest port speeds for the interfaces associated with
the tracked object.
Additional changes include a new type 'portIfSpeed' for
etsysTrackedObjectsCommonType and a new object in the
etsysTrackedObjectsPortTable for associating the
interface with a tracked object
Added two global objects that convey to the user the
resources available for associating interface indexes
with 'portGroup' and 'portIfSpeed' tracked objects.
The two objects are etsysTrackedObjectsMaxIntfAssoc and
Corrected the description text of several tables and
2012-02-08 14:29
Added threshold objects to the