This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP enterprise MIBs under Enterasys Networks' enterprise OID. This module defines OBJECT-IDENTIFIER(s) to be used for the registration of MODULE-IDENTITY in all Enterasys Networks' MIB modules. The naming of OIDs should be based upon the name of the MODULE-IDENTITY for which they are the base OID. For example, if the MODULE-IDENTITY for the MIB is fooBarMIB then the OBJECT IDENTIFIER should be named fooBarOID. All Enterasys MIBs should follow the format specified by enterasys-mib-template.txt.

MIB content (1 objects)


Enterasys Networks, Inc.
Contact info
Postal: Enterasys Networks 50 Minuteman Rd. Andover, MA 01810-1008 USA Phone: +1 978 684 1000 E-mail: support@enterasys.com WWW: http://www.enterasys.com


2010-08-17 12:15
Added an OID for the etsysTWCBMIB.
2010-06-02 11:30
Added an OID for the etsysNatMIB.
2010-03-25 20:29
Added an OID for the etsysLsnatMIB.
2009-12-07 14:41
Added an OID for the etsysNacApplianceMIB.
2009-08-10 18:56
Added an OID for the etsysMirrorConfigMIB.
2009-08-04 13:43
Added an OID for the etsysMgmdExtMIB.
2009-07-02 13:34
Added an OID for the etsysTwcbMIB.
2009-02-20 16:20
Added an OID for the etsysDvmrpExtMIB.
2009-02-12 15:04
Added OIDs for the etsysPimExtMIB and the etsysBgpExtMIB.
2009-01-07 21:18
Added OIDs for the etsysOspfExtMIB and the etsysRip2ExtMIB.
2008-07-23 14:11
Added an OID for the etsysVrrpExtMIB.
2008-04-10 14:51
Added an OID for the etsysDnsResolverMIB.
2007-02-27 18:16
Added an OID for the etsysRadiusSnoopingMIB.
2006-03-06 13:53
Added an OID for the etsysNetflowMIB.
2005-11-14 16:48
Added an OID for the etsysMgmtAuthNotificationMIB.
2005-01-26 22:18
Added an OID for the etsysMauMibExtMIB.
2005-01-25 15:41
Added an OID for the etsysTacacsClientMIB.
2005-01-12 21:00
Added an OID for the etsysIfMibExtMIB.
2004-08-24 13:29
Added an OID for the etsysLicenseKeyOidsMIB.
2004-08-19 21:20
Added an OID for the etsysClassOfServiceMIB.
2004-08-17 17:03
Added an OID for the etsysLicenseKeyMIB.
2004-08-13 16:57
Added an OID for the etsysMultiUser8021xMIB.
2004-08-05 20:25
Added an OID for the etsysLinkFlapMIB.
2004-07-29 18:59
Added an OID for the etsysAAAPolicyMIB.
2004-07-28 16:24
Added OIDs for the etsysPowerEthernetMibExtMIB and the etsysResourceUtilizationMIB.
2004-06-02 13:40
Added an OID for the etsysVlanAuthorizationMIB.
2004-04-02 22:53
Added an OID for the etsysImageValidationMIB and one for the etsysMultiAuthMIB.
2004-02-13 20:00
Added an OID for the etsysThreatNotificationMIB.
2004-02-03 15:33
Added an OID for the etsysUpnTcMIB.
2003-11-14 16:01
Added OIDs for the etsysFlowLimitingMIB and the etsysIPsecIsakmpIkeDoiTcMIB.
2003-11-06 15:15
Corrected the postal code in the CONTACT-INFO clause.
2003-10-21 15:39
Added OID for the etsysVirtualPrivateNetworkMIB.
2003-10-16 12:16
Added OID for the etsysConvergenceEndPointMIB.
2003-08-19 20:53
Added OID for the etsysServiceLevelReportingMIB.
2003-06-13 18:09
Added OID for the etsysSntpClientMIB.
2003-05-16 20:07
Added OID for the etsysFirewallMIB.
2002-12-20 15:19
Added OIDs for the etsysIetfpBridgeMibExtMIB and for the etsysJumboEthernetFrameMIB.
2002-12-13 20:54
Added OIDs for the etsysIetfBridgeMibExtMIB and for the etsysWiFiProtectedAccessMIB. Corrected the comments for the etsysSshServerMIB.
2002-11-01 21:20
Added OID for the etsysTlsMIB.
2002-10-08 20:27
Added OID for the etsysSpanningTreeDiagnosticMIB.
2002-09-25 20:03
Added OID for the etsysMstpMIB.
2002-09-13 19:30
Added OID for the etsysRadiusAcctClientMIB.
2002-08-07 18:51
Added OID for the etsysSecureShellServerMIB.
2002-07-18 15:31
Added OID for the etsysMACAuthenticationMIB. Changed postal address and phone number in MODULE-IDENTITY.
2002-06-24 21:34
Added OIDs for the etsysSyslogMessageMIB and the etsysSnmpPersistenceMIB.
2002-05-07 17:55
Added OID for the etsysVlanInterfaceMIB.
2002-04-05 15:01
Added OID for the etsysMACLockingMIB. Changed postal address and phone number in MODULE-IDENTITY.
2002-03-14 20:54
Added OIDs for the etsysEncr8021xConfigMIB and the etsysEncr8021xRekeyingMIB.
2002-02-20 20:02
Added OIDs for the etsysFileManagementMIB, etsysConfigurationManagementMIB, etsys8021xRekeyingMIB, and the etsys8021xExtensionsMIB.
2002-01-24 18:23
Commented out the rest of the OIDs defined in this file. Issues with the NetSNMP stack that is currently used by NetSight.
2001-08-16 13:00
Corrected MIB names & OIDs for the etsysDot11ExtMIB and etsysR2MgmtMIB.
2001-08-14 19:30
Added OIDs for the etsysConfigurationChangeMIB, etsysDiagnosticMessageMIB, and etsysSyslogClientMIB.
2001-05-22 13:00
Added OID for the etsysPwaMIB.
2001-04-02 21:00
Added OIDs for the etsysRoamAbout2MIB, etsysESwitchMIB.
2001-01-24 17:00
Added OID for the etsysWBridgeMIB.
2000-11-28 14:00
Added OID for the etsysPolicyProfileMIB.
2000-10-03 18:44
The initial version of this MIB module.