The MIB module to describe ADSL product. The MIB module that provides objects that are proprietary and extension to ADSL- LINE-MIB. The MIB include extension to following Tables. 1.) adslLineTable 2.) adslAtucPhysTable 3.) adslAturPhysTable 4.) adslAtucChanTable 5.) adslAturChanTable 6.) adslAtucPerfDataTable --7.) adslAturPerfDataTable 8.) adslAtucIntervalTable --9.) adslAturIntervalTable 10.) adslAtucChanPerfDataTable 11.) adslAturChanPerfDataTable 12.) adslAtucChanIntervalTable 13.) adslAturChanIntervalTable 14.) adslLineConfProfileTable 15.) adslLineAlarmConfProfileTable The MIB also include a set of scalar(s) clubbed under the group 'dsAdslCapabilityGroup'.

MIB content (221 objects)


Dasan Co., Ltd.
Contact info
Dasan Co., Ltd.


2004-07-15 00:00
[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]