This mib provides, objects to upgrade images on modules in the system, objects showing the status of the upgrade operation, and objects showing the type of images that could be run in the system. For example the modules could be Controller card, Line card .. etc. The system fills up the ciuImageVariableTable with the type of images the system can support. For performing an upgrade operation a management application must first read this table and use this info in other tables, as explained below. The ciuImageURITable table is also filled by the system and provides the image name presently running for each type of image in the system. The user is allowed to configure a new image name for each image type as listed in ciuImageVariableTable. The system would use this image on the particular module on the next reboot. The management application on deciding to do an upgrade operation must first check if an upgrade operation is already in progress in the system. This is done by reading the ciuUpgradeOpCommand and if it contains 'none', signifies that no other upgrade operation is in progress. Any other value, signifies that upgrade is in progress and a new upgrade operation is not allowed. To start an 'install' operation, first the user must perform a 'check' operation to do the version compatibility for the given set of image files (provided using the ciuImageLocInputTable) against the current system configuration. Only if the result of this operation is 'success' can the user proceed to do an install operation. The tables, ciuVersionCompChkTable, ciuUpgradeImageVersionTable, ciuUpgradeOpStatusTable, provide the result of the 'check' or 'install' operation performed using ciuUpgradeOpCommand. These tables are in addition to objects ciuUpgradeOpStatus, ciuUpgradeOpTimeStarted, ciuUpgradeOpTimeCompleted, ciuUpgradeOpStatusReason. The ciuUpgradeOpStatus object provides the status of the selected upgrade operation. An option is available for user to upgrade only some modules, provided using ciuUpgradeTargetTable. If this table is empty than an upgrade operation would be performed on all the modules in the system.