This MIB contains managed object definitions for Pseudo Wire operation as in: Pate, P., et al, <draft-ietf-pwe3- framework>, Xiao, X., et al, <draft-ietf-pwe3- requirements>, Martini, L., et al, <draft-martini- l2circuit-trans-mpls>, and Martini, L., et al, <draft-martini-l2circuit-encap-mpls>. The indexes for this MIB are also used to index the PSN- specific tables and the VC-specific tables. The VC Type dictates which VC-specific MIB to use. For example, a 'cep' VC Type requires the use the configuration and status tables within the CEP-MIB. This MIB enable the use of any underlying packet switched network (PSN). Specific tables for the MPLS PSN is currently defined in a separate CISCO-IETF-PW-MPLS-MIB. Tables to support other PSNs (IP, L2TP for example) will be added to this MIB in future revisions. At the time of publication of this version, there are no PWE3 WG documents for all features and objects in this MIB, and the MIB is therefore subject to change based on the WG progress.

MIB content (80 objects)


Cisco Systems, Inc.
Contact info
Thomas D. Nadeau Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824 Tel: +1-978-497-3051 Email: MPLS MIB Development Team Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA 01924 Tel: +1-978-497-3989 Email:


2004-03-17 12:00
1) Added notifications group: -cpwVcUpDownNotifEnable -cpwVcNotifRate -cpwVcDown -cpwVcUp 2) Added CANA OID value ciscoExperiment.106 3) updated based on MIB police comments -replaced un-cisco-ized variable names w/ cisco-ized names in descriptions (e.g. pwVcxxx replaced w/ cpwVcxxx)
2003-02-26 12:00
Made Cisco proprietary based on the file extracted from draft-ietf-pwe3-pw-mib-00.txt
2002-05-26 12:00
Moved to draft-ietf-00 status. Changes from previous draft: 1) Change name of pwVcPriority to pwVcSetUpPriority and added pwVcHoldingPriority. 2) Add pwVcIdMappingTable and pwVcPeersMappingTable to help ordered query of the MIB tables for EMS applications. 3) Clarification to work in progress objects. 4) Editorial and typos in descriptions. 5) Added pwVcPerfTotalDiscontinuityTime and pwVcPerfIntervalTimeElapsed. 6) Remove 32 bit counters.
2002-01-30 12:00
Changes from -01 draft: 1) Inbound and outbound clarification and name changes. 2) Removing pwVcPeerIpv4Addr and pwVcPeerIpv6Addr, replacing them with pwVcPeerAddr and adding type for address type selection. 3) Adding type for VC OperStatus. 4) Adding pwVcTimeElapsed and pwVcValidIntervals.
2001-11-07 12:00
Changes from -00 draft: 1) Remove VcInstance from tables indexes in order to simplify the MIB. 2) Removing APS 1+1 table. 3) Changing hdlcCisco to hdlc in pwVcType. 4) Add description of VC label at pending PW signaling stage. 5) Add interval valid object in interval performance tables. 6) Remove VC APS notification. 7) Change 'conservative'/'liberal' to 'strict'/'loose'. 8) Add objects for interface MTU, use of control word, interface string. 9) Ordering of objects based on functionality. 10) Update operation of pwVcOperStatus.
2001-07-11 12:00
draft-00 version