This MIB contains managed object definitions for Pseudo Wire operation as in: Pate, P., et al, <draft-ietf-pwe3- framework>, Xiao, X., et al, <draft-ietf-pwe3- requirements>, Martini, L., et al, <draft-martini- l2circuit-trans-mpls>, and Martini, L., et al, <draft-martini-l2circuit-encap-mpls>. The indexes for this MIB are also used to index the PSN- specific tables and the VC-specific tables. The VC Type dictates which VC-specific MIB to use. For example, a 'cep' VC Type requires the use the configuration and status tables within the CEP-MIB. This MIB enable the use of any underlying packet switched network (PSN). Specific tables for the MPLS PSN is currently defined in a separate CISCO-IETF-PW-MPLS-MIB. Tables to support other PSNs (IP, L2TP for example) will be added to this MIB in future revisions. At the time of publication of this version, there are no PWE3 WG documents for all features and objects in this MIB, and the MIB is therefore subject to change based on the WG progress.