David Zelig Postal: Corrigent Systems 126, Yigal Alon St. Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL Tel: +972-3-6945273 E-mail: davidz@corrigent.com Thomas D. Nadeau Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824 Tel: +1-978-497-3051 Email: tnadeau@cisco.com
2002-09-22 12:00
Submited as draft-pwe3-enet-mib-00.
Changes from previous version:
1) Alignment with draft-pwe3-ethernet-encap-00.txt:
removing 'rangeVLAN' mode and the associated objects.
2) Relaxing requirement on value of pwVcEnetPortVlan in
port mode.
2002-08-20 12:00
Changes from previous version:
1) Add pwVcEnetVcIfIndex - Option for VC as ifIndex.
2) Change counters to 64 bits.
3) Add mode for adding/removing VLAN fields between PW and
CE bound interface.
4) Referencing draft-martini instead of draft-so.
5) Editorial changes for some description clauses.
6) MPLS PRI mapping table to be independent (not augmented).
7) Adapt descriptions and rules of use to