Notifications directly from hardware and software and processed notifications from various management applications can be further processed and forwarded by still other management applications to indicate the status of devices and software (managed objects). The status of these managed objects can be reported by traps. The CISCO-EPM-NOTIFICATION-MIB contains the trap structure which carries the identity and status info of the managed object as analyzed by such an event processor. It is not possible for receivers of these traps to query the mib objects. A unique but optional feature of the application generating the trap defined in this mib is the ability to contain multiple partitions in the same system running the application. A 'Partition' is a logical grouping of a set of managed devices. These devices can belong to only one partition at any given time. The trap structure will contain information on the exact partition number and the partition name of the device where it resides. The need for trap generation is to enable multiple management applications in the network to have a consolidated view of the whole network of Cisco and non-Cisco devices.

MIB content (39 objects)


Cisco Systems, Inc.
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2004-06-07 00:00
Updated the cenAlarmEntry to include new attributes. The new attributes carries information that adds more value to the already existing trap structure. The Management application computes events for a device via polling snmp mib objects on the device and/or by listening to SNMP Traps. Multiple events on a single device roll up into what is called an Alert - there can be only one alert for a given device at any given time. The objects contained in the cenAlarmEntry are the same for both Alert and Event based notification. The attribute cenAlarmMode added in this revision of the mib can be used to distinguish between the Alert based and event based notification. In case of event based notification, the cenAlertID would contain the alert id, as computed by the management system, to which the generated event has been rolled up. Traps generated from systems that support mutiple Partition, the cenPartitionNumber and cenPartitionName attributes will carry the exact partition details of the device for which the trap is generated. Through the management application user interface, the user can customize few attributes of the trap structure. Two attributes included in this mib revision that allows the user to customize each trap sent out are cenCustomerIdentification and cenCustomerRevision. ciscoEpmNotificationObjectsGroup, ciscoEpmNotificationAlarm, and ciscoEpmNotificationMIBCompliance have been deprecated in this revision. ciscoEpmNotificationAlarmRev1, ciscoEpmNotificationAlarmGroupRev1, ciscoEpmNotificationMIBComplianceRev1, and ciscoEpmNotificationObjectsGroupRev1 have been newly created in this revision.
2003-08-21 00:00
Included imports for Integer32, Unsigned32, and NOTIFICATION-GROUP.
2002-07-28 14:20
Initial version of this MIB.