This is a MIB for managing Application Acceleration System(s). This MIB includes instrumentation for providing the performance statistics and status of the condenser which is the core of the Application Acceleration System. A condenser is a software accelerator that applies several optimization techniques to accelerate Web application access. The condenser application accelerates and optimizes any HTML or XML-based application over HTTP resulting in response time improvements and decrease in bandwidth requirements. This application shall reside in a content switching module or appliance. Acronyms and terminology: HTTP In this MIB it refers to both secure ('HTTPS') as well as non-secure ('HTTP') web traffic. IMS If-Modified-Since is an HTTP request type. The If-Modified-Since request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional: if the requested variant has not been modified since the time specified in this field, an entity will not be returned from the server; instead, a '304' ('not modified') response will be returned without any message-body. Delta It is the ability of condenser to dynamically update client browser caches directly with content differences, or deltas, resulting in faster page downloads. FlashForward FlashForward is a object acceleration technology that eliminates network delays associated with embedded cacheable web objects such as images, style sheets, JavaScript files, etc. FlashForward object acceleration places the responsibility for validating object freshness on the condenser, rather than on the client, making it more efficient. With FlashForward, the client never needs to validate the freshness of browser-cached objects with the origin server, thus significantly accelerating page downloads, and reducing both upstream and downstream traffic associated with object validation requests. Transformation It is the change applied on the incoming web traffic, as part of specific optimization method like delta or flashforward, to achieve web traffic acceleration. Objects All the non-textual embedded components of a web page are referred to as Objects in this MIB. Condensable It refers to all objects that can be subjected to optimization by condenser. Non-Condensable It refers to all objects that cannot be subjected to optimization by condenser. REFERENCE [1] Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1, RFC 2616 Section 14.25 If-Modified-Since.